Thursday 1 April 2010

~Friendship Award from Shabby Shaq~

salam semua...

what day is today?? is thursday april 1st 2010..cepat jer masa berlalu..bulan april menandakan genap setahun yatt's precious di dunia blogsville..terlalu banyak pengalaman suka & duka seiring dengan usia blogku ini..tapi dun worry sejuta banyak yang happy dari episod yang tak berapa nak happy..hehehe..enjoy your life dude!!.. ;)

kita mulakan dengan dengan perkara yang menggembirakanku pada awal bulan april..pagi tadi semasa sesi blogwalking..mataku terpandang special award dari sorang teman bloggerku aris @ shabby shaq..wowwww..aris memberi penghormatan padaku untuk menerima custom-made award darinya..a shabby roses award with my name on it!!..can you believe it?? soooo lovely...betul2 tak sangka ris luangkan masa design this sweet award for me..very thoughtful!!..newayyy..i am happy & deeply pleased and honoured to hang this wonderful award here in my blog..

thank you sooo much!!!..

You Made My Day
I appreciate your kindness
More than words can say

The very nice thing you did for me
Really made my day!

1 comment:

  1. salam yatt, selamat ulang tahun buat anak tersayang yatt n suami...muhammad faris haziqi aka aish, semoga sentiasa di rahmati Allah,,amin..


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