Thursday 19 November 2009

~Made in Occupied Japan~

salam khamis..

pernahkan uols terperasan pinggan mangkuk cawan teko lama dalam koleksi uols tertulis "Made In Occupied Japan (MIOJ)" ?..

jom kita baca sikit info mengenai MIOJ yang saya dapat dari internet..

Following the end of World War II in 1945 and until 1952, items imported from Japan to the United States had to be marked in a fashion indicating they came from Occupied Japan. Items imported into the United States during the Occupation were required to be marked “Made in Occupied Japan”, “Occupied Japan”, “Made in Japan” or “Japan”.

Many of the pieces that were marked “Made in Occupied Japan” and “Occupied Japan” are highly collectible, since Japan only used these marks for roughly six years. Those marked “Japan” or “Made in Japan” may still have value to other types of collectors but will probably not hold the attraction to “Occupied Japan” collectors because it would be difficult to figure out whether a piece was manufactured before or after WW II.

koleksi MIOJ saya tak banyak pun..kata orang asal ada kann..hehehe..cuma ada teko & bekas gula yang saya kebetulan dapat dari amcorp beberapa bulan lepas..

MIOJ teapot

MIOJ sugar bowl

kedua2 teko & bekas gula yang bercorak pada rim penutup..


yang nie pulak set cawan China yang saya jumpa kat apekss..
sajer saya padankan dengan set MIOJ yang berbunga kecil..

that's all fro now..

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